Turning 34 Again

It’s been a few months since my birthday. I’m still unsure of my age. It’s the first year I’ve actually wanted to stay the age I’m at. I loved my 34th year. I haven’t wanted to give it up. So, I thought I could just turn 34 again. Kevin thought that meant we wouldn’t celebrate my birthday, but oh no, it just meant I would turn 34 again.

Since Feb 21st, I have mentioned my age–34–a couple of times. Recently however, the wisdom of two new good friends, Caron and Aloise, made me realize I should embrace my real age and take what I learned in that fabulous year with me to the next. So, this idea has begun to grow on me, and I have actually been honest since then embracing my 35th year. Why not take all that good stuff into this next year and stop relishing in the past. Right. Today is right now. Enjoy each day. Embrace it all! So, I am 35! It’s public! And quite young–cuz that’s how I feel!

First awesome event from year 34–I love my job! I love being a librarian. It rocks!! Here the library staff surprised me with a b-day cake.

Then some little guys came to sing to me as well.

This was probably the best gift I received all day: some high school students came to sing happy birthday–all of their own will!

Another awesome part of my 34th year: good friends. From left to write are Khush, Vinky, Gilan, me, and my hot husby Kevin.

This is Jason, me, Gilan, and that Hottie again!

Here’s Khushnuma telling some story. Khush is the life of the party as you will all see if you join us over the 4th of July this year out at Spirit Lake, Idaho.

Here’s the birthday girl trying out an Angelina Jolie! It doesn’t really work–but hey it’s there in the attitude! At 35 my health feels the best it has ever–in my life!