
ASB has hired producer and director TonyPappa to make a film for the school. (We don’t call him just Tony; we call him TonyPappa to include his surname. It’s a great name to say;) While he’s been here, our family has had a chance to get to know him since he has been working in the library–and he’s become a good bud of Barry’s.  We had a good time with him, Barry, Dan, and Vinky when they came over for dinner. Following are some pictures from the night:

TonyPappa got some great coverage of the beach at sunset from our balcony.  The tiltshift clips he took even made it into the ASB movie he was here to produce.
TonyPappa got some great coverage of the beach at sunset from our balcony. The tiltshift clips he took even made it into the ASB movie he was here to produce.

Sweet Barry
Sweet Barry

TonyPappa shared his iPhone with the kids--of course Vincent was enthralled.  He wants his own iTouch!
TonyPappa shared his iPhone with the kids--of course Vincent was enthralled. He wants his own iTouch!

See! Look how entranced he is...
See! Look how entranced he is...
TonyPappa with Dan
TonyPappa with Dan
Here's our fabulous friend Vinky.
Here's our fabulous friend Vinky.

And of course...last but not least...a shot with the kids and Barry.
And of course...last but not least...a shot with the kids and Barry.

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