The Krembs visiting the Krembs in India was monumental. We had a blast with our neighbors in Korea–well it’s a stretch, but it has been so special to have Corky and then a week later Brian and Jen visit us here in Bombay.
Now, while we weren’t rock stars all the time, the following pictures may argue this statement. We partied down with Brian and Jen, and as you will see witnessed new and improved air instrumental techniques!
Have fun, and from the pictures here and the ones from Cork’s visit, maybe more will be inspired to visit us over here way over in India. The Krembs’ family–Vincent and Gigi, Kevin and Ann–will make sure you had the time of your life!
Here’s our reunion in the early morning.
Their first day in Bombay started relaxful at the Marriot, but by afternoon the whirlwind of Bombay began. Here are Jen and I at sunset on Marine Drive.
More importantly, here we are shoe shopping! Just one of the many things Jen and I have in common not to mention the same shoe size!!
Brian on Colaba
Brian transformed for Bombay night life!
I have to include this photo. On the way to the bar, we stopped by a roadside licquor store, so we could pre-func in the car. Brian was like, “Is this ok?” Of course I was like, “Brian, you’re in India now–of course it’s ok!” Party on wheels!!
First stop, the swanky Shiro with beyond giant size Buddhas decorating the renovated mill.
Here’s Kevin dancing his infamous dance. Please ask for a sampling this summer out at Spirit Lake. He’s pretty groovey, no?!
A little air guitar on the glass bottle!
Suit shopping–he actually went home with 2! Watch out for BK!Beach time! Vincent asked if these two girls could be his India cousins. Too sweet! Josie
and Meghan are such fun.
Gigi. The dog Millie is close by.
Beach time! Vincent asked if these two girls could be his India cousins. Too sweet! Josie
and Meghan are such fun.
As this night progressed, we were lucky enough to receive a little air piano from the BK!
And Jen and I were the rock stars for the evening with a little air bottle!
One last group photo!
Everyone but Jane may ask Brian the story about this one…
Let’s just say Air Deccan has been renamed Air Sketchin’ and we will never use that airline again, so Jane will not have to worry!
We had such a great time with Brian and Jen. We really feel fortunate to be able to meet up with them. Christmas was incredible as was this trip. Here’s to international teaching and the opportunities it has provided us!