The Girl Who Played Go, by Shan Sa

This blog is usually reserved for Kremb de la Kremb family updates, but I do have to share what I just read–I am a librarian after all, so it’s only fitting, right? I finished The Girl Who Played Go this morning by Shan Sa. Oh! It was just beautiful and magestic and tragic all at once. I love reading a great book that leaves me feeling so moved. Put this one on your reading list!

The short chapters bounce back and forth between a young teenage Chinese woman and a stoic utterly patriotic Japanese soldier like a game of go during the Manchurian war of the 1930. The love story that evolves between these two strangers is quite tender. Their were moments in this story where I wanted a highlighter similar to my university readings just to underline the beautiful images like this one: ”

I’ll be excited to revisit this book again, and I’ll be waiting to discuss it with someone….

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