Oscar Night in Bombay

Every year, the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) puts on a ball in the spring. We’ve experienced three, and this year was by far the best. It was such fun. The theme was Oscar Night. I borrowed the fancy dress you see from a friend–she was so sweet. At the party, she said it looked so nice it had to be mine. So, now I have a very elegant ball gown for the future! And i did feel glam–especially with the hunk down below to escort me! Besides the regular dancing, some moms and teachers (all female) got together and performed a dance to Shakira’s “Hips Don’t Lie.” Baby, we were hot–or at least we thought we were with our booties shaking away. It was a fabulous night that ended in a crazy after hours party as well. The only thing we didn’t do was change our outfits. Next year darling!

Here we are set for the night. Upon arrival, there actually was a red carpet. We even had our very own Ryan Seacrest to greet us at the door. Once inside, there were huge screens displaying the arrival of all the guests and their greeting from Ryan. It was a hoot.

Luckily the “dance” was early on–before we were totally out of control!

Post “dance” and back in our dresses, here I am with some girlfriends.

This is Vinky. Isn’t she gorgeous!? She’s also Gigi’s teacher and a very good friend.

One more pic of Kevie and me.

Although he had a bad back, I insisted he picked me. Things are starting to get a little crazy now!

I don’t know this lady. But she was a really hot dancer, so we shared a few–well she didn’t have a choice!

This is David! He’s our FABULOUS friend! (He always tells me I’m fabulous which makes me feel really good:) We’re on our way to the after party. We think we are FAB here even though we don’t look it. For some reason, I had really weird lips on this night. This isn’t the first time I struck this silly pose.

This is just dumb! I don’t even know the people in this dog pile–except for Gilan. We did not need to be at another party after the first one. No change of outfits either like Lindsey Lohan. Next year darling!

This was one of the funnest parties we have been to yet. It was like adult PROM! And everyone needs a little prom in their life, don’t ya think?!