Krembs’ Recruiting

Here’s the letter that was sent to our family members this morning:

Hello Family,
This morning Kevin and I received job offers from the International School of Beijing.  After a very fast and tumultuous week, ISB has impressed us with their information and communication.  The kids have been at the root of our decision to move on from India, and from all that we’ve seen from ISB, the kids will really like all that Beijing has to offer: a bigger house—like maybe even two stories with four bedrooms; compound living with parks (including skate parks on some!), pools (indoor and out), bowling alleys, gyms, etc; a great school facility; lots of after school activities like baseball, gymnastics, tennis, hockey (floor and ice), horseback riding, to name a few; fun activities to be found in the city; and last but not least their mom and dad in the elementary school.  ISB would like Kevin to teach third, and I’ll be the elementary librarian.  When I told Vincent this, he pumped his arm and said, “Yes!”  The school also knows that Kevin is interested in pursuing leadership—which is why they want him to teach 3rd grade.  There is a leadership opening in the third grade for next year.  Also, they know that Kevin has his eye in this area, and they often promote internally.  All good things to hear.  
So, we’re going to accept!  Admittedly, we’re (mainly me I think) are bummed that Shanghai hasn’t panned out.  But, as many people keep telling us, “A bird in the hand…is better than two in the bush!”  Shanghai might open up, but it might not as well.  Budapest was another possibility, but they won’t know until January.  Plus, what feels best about our decision to go with Beijing—aside from how great we think it will be for the kids, is it’s a quality school that has been recruiting us!  They really want us!  This feels good.  No other schools have pursued us like this as of yet.  This might be because they are waiting for the fairs, but now we don’t have to wait and see.  Instead, we’ll be able to fully enjoy our vacation in Thailand with my folks! (As of today…they are still coming! Let’s hope Bangkok continues to progress forward with their political situation.)
Well, the world has become smaller as both sets of Krembs’ are able to recruit mainly via the Internet through Skype.  I think it’s pretty amazing.  Now it’s Brian and Jen’s turn…we’re all rootin’ for you—especially us and Beijing! 
Much love to all of you.  If you’re wanting to see India, now is the time.  Next post, China Baby!
Kevin and Ann, Vincent and Gigi
PS When Vincent realized this morning that we would be moving to Beijing, he jumped off the chair and in a hug attacked Kevin on the sofa.  It was really sweet!
PPS There’s a dance academy across the street for Gigi.  She can try to catch up with her cousins! :0)