Best Summer Ever

(This was the very first blog post over on Kremb de la Kremb when I started that blog back in 2006!)

Summer 2006 was exceptional! We started our summer vacation with a stop in Avignon, France with the Burkes’ (Will, Maria, Emilia, and Liam) and Debbie Diaz. It was so fun to catch up with the good, good friends we made in Venezuela. The international world has provided us with many close friends that we cherish. Kevin and I now feel enlightened to the French experience. It was wonderful. The food, the house, the town, and the people were all impressionable. We are already planning for a similar trip next summer…anyone want to join us?

The summer at Spirit Lake was the best one yet. To start the weather was incredible. We had a few exciting storms with very little rain. Kevin and I made a new beach and yard with the help of a bush wacker, an excavator named Josh, and Babaji Alex. Now, we’ll just have to hope for the grass to grow, yet it’s more likely that Kevin will be renting the bush wacker again next summer! It felt rewarding to see such major changes to our cabin. Next summer we’ll work on the outside. One of these days we’ll manage to put a bathroom in downstairs for the motel section of the cabin. Which leads to the best part…

Of course the best part of the summer was the visitors! We had such fun with Brent, Christiane, Sofia, and Francesca (friends from El Salvador and Saudi coming from San Francisco), Matt, Julie (beautiful sexy pregnant sister–Chad didn’t know pregnancy could be H-O-T!), Ellie and Mae Mae (Maeve) Collins, Nie Nie (Joanie), Bumpa Doc (Pat), Adrian, Mary and Mike, Jesse and Noah (Mary and Mike’s friends from Seattle), Grammy (Jane) and Babaji (Alex), Corky, Annie, Conor, Seamus, Brian and Jen, Erica and Matt (Brian and Jen’s friends), Chad (friend from India coming from San Diego), Jane (Chad’s mom), Kim (friend from India coming from Canada) and Claire (Kim’s friend), Cathy, Ken, Robert, and Will Tousley, Sarah, Jay, Cabe, and Ian Kirk. I think I mentioned everyone…if you were not on this list, you have next summer. And let me tell you: it’s a must!! Come visit us out at Spirit Lake. We’ll have a blast playing on the dock and new beach, eating and drinking, catching and tanning up (there is shade for the skin conscious).

It’s sad to say, but I’m already counting the days until next summer–well that’s an exaggeration, but I am counting the months (10). I do hope if we didn’t see you this summer, that we will get a visit next year. For now, school starts tomorrow, Gigi starts school with her big brother, I have a new job as secondary/head librarian, and Kevin is now teaching 5th grade. We are looking forward to an awesome school year!