The Kremb de la Kremb Cabin

The Kremb de la Kremb Cabin as seen from the dock

Ahh, the view of the lake and doc from the cabin

Sitting on the doc, looking to the left

Sitting on the dock, looking straight ahead

Sitting on the dock, looking to the right

The screened in porch

The two best beds in the cabin--on the porch

More of the porch

The kitchen bar

The kitchen

The stone fireplace in the great room

The great room

From the bar in the great room

The bathroom upstairs (with a washer and dryer)

The bathroom downstairs with shower plus the outdoor shower

The middle room

A beautiful rainbow over Spirit Lake

A full moon from the porch

The lawn mower races on Main Street

Fourth of July Parade on Main Street, Spirit Lake

And last but not least, a moose sighting!

8 thoughts on “The Kremb de la Kremb Cabin

  1. It will be a tough summer not spending the whole time out there, but we’re gearing up for our exciting move to Hong Kong. Plus it’ll be kind of fun to be the couch crashers this summer…Maybe?!

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