Rajasthan with Sri Sri Corkyji Cheeseweenie

Corky visited us this spring! His time here in India was fantastic. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Corky becomes a full-fledged Sri Sri Cheeseweenie by the year 2010!

Here are some fun pics detailing our trip with Corky through the palatial state of Rajasthan. While we were jam-packed with activities, Corky always managed to fit in his daily afternoon nap. Corky is also newly fit and trim; he looks amazing. It took both Kevin and me awhile to become accustomed to this new man–we couldn’t recognize him. Throughout all the yummy meals, he managed just fine receiving his daily dose of rice and veggies. (Granted sometimes the kitchen couldn’t get the idea of no oil right.) The best part of his visit was the time he was able to spend with his niece and nephew. They adore their Uncle Cheeseweenie Corkyji!

Check it all out down below….

Here’s Cork straight off the plane. We all dressed in our Indian finest for his arrival.

Before heading onto the plane, we had time for an afternoon coffee at the new terminal in Mumbai’s domestic terminal.
Corky was a super sport through all the travels, but after this ride he requested no more Ambassadors. (An Ambassador is a very old Indian car model.) His head was hitting the roof! (Notice the scene out the front window: cows along with bikes, pedestrians, and other traffic. Only in India!) Kevin was a bit off on the five minute car ride; it was more like 30. Oh well, we were in an Innova thereafter.

Anywhere there was a drum, there was Gigi.

Kevin and Corky at dinner. This restaurant is excellent. It over looks Pichola Lake and the banking palaces.

Mandatory hotel group photo

Gigi and Vincent are always such troopers during car rides!

Here’s an interesting village man.

Me and the local folk

Corky sharing his pictures

Sri Sri Cheeseweenie talking shop with the local businessmen

Gigi and Vincent helped the magician catch some birds for his show.

Another group photo outside our hotel

By now, Corky had given me my new nickname: Maharani! I love it; it means the “big queen!”

Gigi with yet another drummer

One final group photo–we had such a blast with Sri Sri Corkyji Cheeseweenie!